You offer educational or business services, programs, and events…
Your staffing, venue and registration workflows are complex…
The Simplyst solution is a remarkable, turn-key app developed in partnership with educational nonprofits, business and management experts, and innovative grantmakers. Now available for nonprofit organizations and businesses alike, to catalyze your registrations, service delivery and special event attendance with your staff time and precious volunteer resources spared!
Information at your fingertips on ANY Device, via secure connection ANYWHERE there is internet access.
Register attendees on your device, at the door.
All user interfaces are responsive and mobile friendly for a mobile clientele.
The standard Simplyst Organizer App enables you to create agile, iterative work practices, easily accommodating a wide variety of customizable work processes. Perfect for managing complex operations, services, events, and online marketing – help your customers connect with you, view your listings, register, and pay for services with full Salesforce integration with your back end operations.
Organizer is built to integrate with Salesforce NPSP and CRM to track revenue.
Collect, manage and store your data securely, with the best platform on the market today.
Salesforce is the world’s #1 cloud-based enterprise platform, trusted by over 100,000 customers, including Comcast, Virgin, McGraw-Hill and Time Warner, with over 4 million developer apps.